Winter Safety
Keep Fire Hydrants and Driveways Clear of Snow - An accessible and properly functioning fire hydrant is a vital part of any firefighting operation. Please avoid piling snow on or around fire hydrants. If possible, especially during very heavy snow falls, take a few extra minutes to ‘adopt’ your nearest fire hydrant by clearing the snow from around the hydrant. This improves firefighter’s ability to quickly locate and access the hydrant in an emergency and by keeping the driveway clear will allow the Fire, Ambulance and Police access in the event of an emergency.
Keep Roads Clear for Emergency Vehicles - Operating an emergency vehicle such as a fire truck or an ambulance is a complex job under perfect weather conditions that becomes even more challenging under the current weather conditions. Please exercise extra caution when driving and yield the right of way to emergency vehicles responding to alarms. We also asks that drivers do everything they can to avoid blocking access to snow emergency streets and other key thoroughfares. The same applies to the fire lanes or fire zones in commercial parking lots.
Make Sure That The Address On Your Home is Visible From the Street - While you are out clearing the driveway and the walk, you also need to clear off the markings on the home, business and mailbox so emergency responders can quickly reach you in an emergency. The markings should be at least 4” high.
In the cold weather, monitor young children, elderly family and neighbors, as well as the sick, who are particularly susceptible to the dangers of the cold. Don’t venture out in extremely cold weather unless absolutely necessary. If you must go out, be sure to dress in layers with a water- and windproof outer layer. A hat is a must as 40% of body heat is lost through the head. Don’t smoke or consume alcohol before going out, because these substances alter your body’s circulatory system, making you colder instead of warming your body. Exercise caution when shoveling snow – overexertion can sometimes lead to tragedy.
Before using the fireplace for the first time in a season make sure the flue is open. If there are any obstructions, remove them. If not removed, these obstructions will cause carbon monoxide to back up into your home. Never leave a fireplace unattended. Chimneys and vents should be inspected and cleaned annually. Don't burn newspapers or other trash in a fireplace because they burn too hot and can ignite a chimney fire.
Test your home smoke alarms at least once per month. Do this by pressing the test button on the unit. If your detectors are battery operated, check the batteries often to make sure the units are operational. If you do not have one already installed, install a carbon monoxide detector to detect production of potentially lethal carbon monoxide by gas fireplaces, gas stoves, barbecues, gas furnaces.
Keep Roads Clear for Emergency Vehicles - Operating an emergency vehicle such as a fire truck or an ambulance is a complex job under perfect weather conditions that becomes even more challenging under the current weather conditions. Please exercise extra caution when driving and yield the right of way to emergency vehicles responding to alarms. We also asks that drivers do everything they can to avoid blocking access to snow emergency streets and other key thoroughfares. The same applies to the fire lanes or fire zones in commercial parking lots.
Make Sure That The Address On Your Home is Visible From the Street - While you are out clearing the driveway and the walk, you also need to clear off the markings on the home, business and mailbox so emergency responders can quickly reach you in an emergency. The markings should be at least 4” high.
In the cold weather, monitor young children, elderly family and neighbors, as well as the sick, who are particularly susceptible to the dangers of the cold. Don’t venture out in extremely cold weather unless absolutely necessary. If you must go out, be sure to dress in layers with a water- and windproof outer layer. A hat is a must as 40% of body heat is lost through the head. Don’t smoke or consume alcohol before going out, because these substances alter your body’s circulatory system, making you colder instead of warming your body. Exercise caution when shoveling snow – overexertion can sometimes lead to tragedy.
- Do not use any fuel fired appliances they are illegal.
- Use only UL approved electric heaters with an automatic tip over shut off for a limited time
- Each day and never connect to an outlet with an extension cord. When not in use, be sure to
- Unplug the unit and let it cool down if you will be storing the unit. Never use heaters to dry
- Clothing or other combustibles.
Before using the fireplace for the first time in a season make sure the flue is open. If there are any obstructions, remove them. If not removed, these obstructions will cause carbon monoxide to back up into your home. Never leave a fireplace unattended. Chimneys and vents should be inspected and cleaned annually. Don't burn newspapers or other trash in a fireplace because they burn too hot and can ignite a chimney fire.
Test your home smoke alarms at least once per month. Do this by pressing the test button on the unit. If your detectors are battery operated, check the batteries often to make sure the units are operational. If you do not have one already installed, install a carbon monoxide detector to detect production of potentially lethal carbon monoxide by gas fireplaces, gas stoves, barbecues, gas furnaces.